Types of Conservatories

A conservatory may be constructed in a wide variety of shapes and colours. There are many construction details and versions available for the conservatory concept. They may be applied in a specific project depending on the sizes and after a thorough advisory procedure.

Made to Measure Conservatories!

Here, we introduce to you several shapes of conservatories, corresponding to the spatial layout of a house. Since it is partially a “modular solution” of aluminium structures and the number of glass panes (windows, sliding doors, etc.) may be combined in various manners, we will be glad to build a conservatory made to measure for you according to your wishes.

Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou – typ 01 Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou a solárním záhybem – typ 02 Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou a žlabovým koutem – typ 04
A conservatory with a monopitch roof A monopitch roof with a solar flexture A monopitch roof with a gutter corner on the top
Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou a postranní polovalbou – typ 05 Zimní zahrada se 4hrannou polokruhovou pavilonovou střechou – typ 06 Zimní zahrada se 5hrannou polokruhovou pavilonovou střechou – typ 08
A monopitch roof with a side jerkin-head A conservatory with an angular  semi-circular  pavilion roof A saddle roof with a pentagonal semi-circular  pavilion roof in the front 
Zimní zahrada se sedlovou střechou – typ 12 Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou a diagonální nárožní krokví – typ 15 Zimní zahrada s pultovou střechou a diagonálním úžlabím do středu – typ 16
A conservatory with a saddle roof A saddle roof with a diagonal rafter in the middle; the roof planes are inclined outwards A saddle roof with a diagonal valley, inclined towards the centre
Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic