Technical Information on Roof Construction

When selecting roofing for any area (balcony, swimming pool, whirlpool, carport, etc.), pay attention not only to its chromacity, but particularly to profile materials, i.e. the structure, type of glazing, and safety. 

Material for Roofing Structures and Panels

Aluminium Profile Systems

We construct our high-quality roof constructions from the best and the most suitable material, i.e. aluminium. Aluminium is stable in shape, yet enables the building of slim roof constructions. An aluminium roof construction is totally weather resistant and easy to maintain. We purchase the system aluminium profiles from the TS Aluminium company, which has more than thirty years experience in their development for conservatories and all types of shelters.

Glazing of Roof Constructions

Glass panels or cellular polycarbonate sheets are usually used for the roof covering. The cellular sheets are profiles with plastic cells with clear or “milky” transparency. Thanks to its UV layer, polycarbonate can absorb harmful sun rays, thus preventing surface cracking and discolouration.  When glass is used for a roof construction covering, safety glass must always be applied in the roof area, which is called “overhead glazing”. 

Variety of Roof Constructions and Shelter Colours

Aluminium roof construction profiles may be produced in almost any common colour. Because a special method is used to burn colours into the aluminium structures, the colours have virtually unlimited durability and literally shine even after many years.

To help you to decide what colour to choose for your roof construction, we have prepared a selection of the most often used colours. Other RAL colours for roof constructions 

Barvy hliníkových profilů konstrukce zastřešení

Examples of Conservatories

Examples of some roof construction typesConservatory in a family house in the Czech-Moravian Highlands regionOur conservatory as a reception – Kuchařovice
Swimming pool roofing, BrnoExamples of some conservatory typesConservatory in a family house in South Moravia
Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic