Technical Information on Conservatories

The design phase of any conservatory project requires decisions to be taken not only on the shape of the conservatory and the colour of its material but also the cardinal point which the conservatory is to be oriented towards. We will advise you on how to choose the right type of glazing, shading or floor heating system for your conservatory, including its ventilation and air-conditioning.

Deciding on the Conservatory Site Orientation?

Zimní zahrada na sever, jih, východ či západ

The climate and atmosphere of a conservatory are formed primarily by light and warmth.  These factors are co-determined particularly by the orientation of the conservatory site towards a specific cardinal point. When making decisions on where to situate your conservatory, you should take into account the purpose for which it will be utilized.

  • Orientation of a conservatory towards the north – a conservatory oriented towards the north catches the first and last rays of the sun in summer, however it remains in the shade of the house by day and therefore it becomes rather a cool resting place.
  • Orientation of a conservatory towards the east – a conservatory oriented towards the east is first warmed by the early morning and pre-noon sun, later being protected in the shade of the house from too hot weather. Hence, it is an ideal place for serving breakfast.
  • Orientation of a conservatory towards the south – a conservatory oriented towards the south has the highest volume of accumulated heat energy during the whole year thanks to the sunshine; however it must be shielded from high temperatures, especially during summer, by shading and ventilation systems.
  • Orientation of a conservatory  towards the west – a conservatory oriented towards the west is warmed by the late afternoon and evening sun, taking the accumulated heat energy over into the night. On the other hand, this conservatory will be cooler in the mornings.

To make the selection of all parameters of a conservatory easier, please specify your requirements or use our professional advisory services.

The Material and Colours of the Profile System

The most suitable and resistant material for a conservatory structure is aluminium. The reason is that aluminium is not only stable in its shape, but also absolutely weather resistant and easy to maintain. We ensure the high quality of conservatories by purchasing aluminium systems exclusively from the TS Aluminium company that has been ranked among the top producers of profile systems for conservatories for nearly 30 years.

Variety of Aluminium Structure Colours

A special method is used to paint the surface of the aluminium structures, guaranteeing virtually unlimited durability and stability. We have compiled a selection of the most often used colours from the wide range available.

Selection of Conservatory Colours

Other RAL colours for conservatory aluminium structures 

Conservatory Foundations

A conservatory should be built on foundations with an insulated flooring board, even in the case when it is not going to to be used as a living area all year round. Do you know for example that it is not recommended to mount conservatory foundations on an existing terrace? Seek advice from the professionals from the Conservatory Centre and you will enjoy the sunshine in your conservatory perfectly!

Glazing – Conservatory Panels

Any normal type of insulating glass may be used for conservatory roofs and side components. The roof glazing as the “overhead glazing” must always have security glass in place, which however may have other functions added to it, such as sun or noise shielding, etc. 

The side components are glazed with insulating glass that may be up to 36 mm thick, depending on the panel frame structure. The insulating glass consists of two or three glass panels, arranged into a “laminated glass” unit by means of the spacing profile and insulation. It is very important to decide whether the glass is to fulfil other functions, apart from heat-insulating and transparency, necessary for comfortable living in a conservatory.

The Comfort-Enhancing Glazing Functions

Sun Shielding

The sun-shielding glass prevents a conservatory from overheating. Sun-shielding types of glass may also have almost neutral, clear transparency.

Noise Shielding

Are there any major noise sources in the vicinity of your conservatory? Then you should consider anti-noise glazing that will significantly contribute to undisturbed relaxation full of sunshine in the company of Mother Nature. 

Conservatory Security Glazing

Security glazing is installed not only in the roof panels but also in the side components (the built-in elements section), for example for better protection against burglars.

Self-Cleaning Effect

Glass fitted with the self-cleaning effect may also be used in conservatories. It considerably decreases the costs of cleaning because any organic impurities decompose by themselves thanks to the special treatment applied on it. This may be very useful especially for conservatory roofing.

Building Permits for Conservatories

Usually, a building permit is required for every conservatory. However, do not be afraid of the paperwork! We will help you in meeting any statutory procedures and requirements as regards constructions.

Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic