
Our Conservatory at the IBF 2011 Fair


From April 24 – 28.4, 2012, the Slunce v domě (Sun in the House) Conservatory Centre will take part in the International Building Fair that provides its visitors with complex information on all sectors of the construction...


Examples of Conservatories

Conservatory in a family house in South MoraviaConservatory in a family house in the Czech-Moravian Highlands regionOur conservatory as a reception – Kuchařovice
Swimming pool roofing, BrnoExamples of some conservatory typesExamples of some roof construction types
Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic