Fixtures and Accessories for Conservatories and Roofs

We have numerous accessories and fittings with which to equip your conservatory. The right lighting or shading of a conservatory and the installation of the control or ventilation system, including the heating system, will contribute to your undisturbed enjoyment and enhanced living comfort.

Conservatory Lighting

You can create a cosy and pleasant atmosphere in your conservatory by means of spotlights that are mounted directly in the aluminium profiles of the conservatory system. Dimming reflectors may also be used. The wiring is led out of sight inside the structure and connection to the modern control technology is obviously not a problem.

External Shading

A canopy will provide reliable shade so the conservatory does not turn into a greenhouse during hot summer days. Special canopies adjusted for the conservatory may be produced in exact sizes corresponding to the existing roof shape. The selection of outside shading designs is not limited in any manner.

Internal Shading

The internal shading chosen may impart your living space with a sense of individuality. Whether you choose standard blinds, textile blinds or roller blinds, these shading elements add a unique look to every conservatory. Whether the internal shading will fully meet its function depends on the position and type of  conservatory structure. We will be glad to give you detailed and complex advice.

Ventilation Systems for Conservatories

In addition to roof windows, adjustable ventilation strips and roof cylindrical ventilation fans are available for conservatories to create optimal climatic conditions. Adjustable ventilation strips ensure a fresh air supply in the lower areas of a conservatory. They may be manually or motor operated. Roof cylindrical ventilators are installed in the roof area, to extract stale air from the conservatory. They are designed to prevent insects  getting inside the conservatory through them.

Control Systems

Control systems ensure optimum climatic comfort in a conservatory. They may be connected to all devices installed in a conservatory (ventilation, heating, shading, etc.), coordinating their activity. The devices may be programmed precisely according to the customer’s wish. The user-friendly simple control menu enables the fast adjustment of settings so that a customer can change everything himself or herself if needed. Rain and wind sensors record weather data, relaying it to devices, thus enabling them to flexibly respond in the appropriate manner.

Heat Pumps for Conservatories

As a versatile accessory for conservatories, the heat pump serves either for heating or cooling (cooling set). It comprises of an internal unit and external unit that are mutually interconnected.  In addition, it may also be used as an air dehumidifier or cleaner.

Convectors for Conservatory Heating

Floor convectors, integrated directly into the floor in front of the glass wall of a conservatory, may be used for conservatory heating. Heated air moves up along the glass wall, creating a pleasant heat circulation, which is called convection.

Floor Heating System in a Conservatory

The floor heating system will help you to create radiant  heat in your conservatory. When the weather is cold and unpleasant outside it  is precisely the time you will appreciate the advantages of your conservatory. The floor heating should be seen as a comfort-enhancing accessory to the heating system because in itself it is not sufficient in most cases.

Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic