Examples of Some Conservatory Types

The examples of various types of conservatories show that you can choose a conservatory just as you wish. Thanks to the simplicity and universality of the whole system, we are able to design a unique conservatory for you which will suit your needs exactly.

Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic