Built-In Items for Conservatories and Roofs

The built-in items that a conservatory is to be fitted with are either fixed glazed items or opening windows and doors. Just as with the conservatory profile system itself, the profiles for individual items are also “thermally separated”, i.e. they have good thermal insulation so as the expensive energy would remain in the conservatory, if possible.

Doors, Windows and Other Items for Conservatories

Item name Picture of item, doors, windows Description/function of the built-in items Maximum size (width × height)
Fixed item Pevný prvek zimních zahrad – okenní tabule Glass is paned directly to the sub-frame of the item.

250 × 250 cm (excessive widths by means of columns)

Window Otáčecí nebo vyklápěcí okna zimních zahrad Window sashes in the sub-frame are revolving and/or tilting.

145 × 140 cm  with 1 sash,

290 × 140 cm with 2 sashes

Door Dveře zimních zahrad s otvíráním dovnitř i ven The profiles are the same as the window profiles. The single-wing or double-wing doors with a floor stop open outwards or inwards. They are fitted with a three-point or five-point lock.

130 × 230 cm with 1 wing,

260 × 230 cm with 2 wings

Sliding door Posuvné dveře do zimní zahrady These structures providing easy handling are delivered as two or three-section doors. They are fitted with a handle on both sides, with a cylindrical lock block. The maximum number allowed for mounting is 6 wings at most (the combination of 2 three-section doors).

250 cm with max. 3 wings in one facility (1 wing of the maximum weight of 150 kg)

Parallel sliding door Paralelní posuvné dveře do zimní zahrady The profiles are aligned on the same level with window and door profiles. They may be tilted or slid parallel in the sub-frame. They are produced with one or two wings to be opened. They are fitted with a handle with a cylindrical lock block on both sides.

200 × 230 cm per 1 wing (max. 4 sections, i.e. 2 wings to be opened)

Folding door Skládací dveře do zimní zahrady Easy handling – can be opened by folding the wings inwards or outwards, requiring only a little space. We deliver the door not only with various door sill options but also with the possibility of no  sills.

100 × 250 cm for 1 wing (max. 7 wings with the maximum width of the folding equipment of 7 m)

Top-mounted roof window Výklopné střešní okno do zimní zahrady Mechanically or motor operated windows allow hot air to escape from the conservatory. They may be combined with rain detectors and connected to the conservatory control system. The roof window is mounted precisely between the rafters. 72 × 130 až 123 × 130 cm (the minimum and maximum size)
Sliding roof window Posuvné střešní okno do zimní zahrady The motor operated comfort roof window for conservatory roofs opens to half the length of the window pane. When opened, it only overhangs the roof by a few centimetres, thus matching for example the external shading. 70–100 × 30 cm
Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic