Conservatories Designed for Relaxing in a Natural Environment

Spoil yourself with a luxurious conservatory seating area useable throughout the year, regardless of the weather outside. Your conservatory will immediately become your favourite place in the house and a full-sized living room filled with sunlight. It is an oasis where you can relax or it can be the centre of your family life tailor-made for celebrations, dining or leisure activities.

A New Conservatory Will Fulfil Your Dreams About Greater Comfort

  • Greater comfort – a conservatory, in its insulated or non-insulated form, will add a completely new value to your house
  • More light – a conservatory will give you a completely different feeling thanks to being close to nature
  • More pleasure – a conservatory or roofed terrace offers a charming nook throughout the day and night, with enchanting effects

Conservatories in Any Colour and Shape

Everybody chooses their construction versions and colours for conservatories according to their respective wishes as well as tastes – see more about the  colour versions of conservatories. Also various versions of window opening systems, balcony doors, sliding or sliding-and-folding doors may be designed according to customers’ wishes and combined in any manner.

Modern Profiles of Conservatories

A conservatory constructed from aluminium profiles supplied by the TS Aluminium company is not just a common glazed display case but a well thought-out, elaborate, state of the art and functional system, meeting even the most demanding requirements for quality, safety, vitality and design.

Při vývoji conservatory profiles, we primarily take into account the simplicity and versatility of the whole system, which enables combining aluminium structures with aluminium or plastic elements .

Conservatory Designs and Implemented Projects

The development of conservatories is a complex construction project, requiring careful planning aimed at achieving the customer’s absolute satisfaction. Therefore, we offer professional advice on conservatory types, roof construction versions and shapes, floor bases and opening system solutions as well as the quality of plastic and atypical windows, including roll-up shutters for windows, balcony doors, methods of  glazing (roof as well as side glass panes) with sliding or sliding-and-folding doors, etc.

Building Permits and Conservatory Site Orientation

We will provide you with any and all support documents necessary for obtaining a building permit and advise you as regards for example the conservatory orientation towards a certain cardinal point that significantly influences its climate and atmosphere depending on the volume of light and heat. Conversely, we do not recommend do-it-yourself building of conservatories because, in this case, the basic elements of the conservatories are usually neglected. 

Just a Few Minutes in Our Conservatory will Do the Trick

It is impossible to describe in words the feeling of peace and contentment you will feel almost immediately in our conservatory – just a few minutes of rest taken after a busy day is enough to completely recharge you and fill you with energy and good spirits. See for yourselves when you come to visit our office in person or browse through our conservatory photo gallery.

A Conservatory in an Apartment, Prefab Concrete or Multi-Storey Buildings

We also supply our conservatories designed for terraces or balconies to fit apartment units. We have rich experience in glazing interior balconies, terraces as well as common balconies.

Underthe Slunce v domě trademark, we construct exclusive conservatories or roofingfor terraces, balconies, swimming pools, pergolas, house entrances, verandas,including carports, made from high-quality German TS Aluminium profiles. We offer the design andimplementation of conservatories and roof constructions, with any accessoriesand fittings, made to measure for you and your house.
H & M spol. s r. o.Conservatory Centre
H & M spol. s r. o.
8. května 122
669 02  Kuchařovice, Czech Republic